
4 Common Types of Wing Flaps (And How They Affect Flight)

Most Common Types of Wing Flaps

When you watch an aircraft prepare for takeoff or approach the runway for landing, one of the most visually striking adjustments is the movement of its wing flaps. These seemingly small modifications to the wings’ shape are crucial for controlling lift and stability during critical phases of flight. It’s like witnessing a bird adjusting its feathers—only in this case, it’s a feat of engineering meeting nature’s inspiration head-on.

Understanding what happens beneath those vast metal wings involves delving into the sophisticated world of aerodynamics and mechanical design. The interplay between various types of flaps on airplane wings can seem as complex as a ballet, yet it follows precise physical laws that keep planes aloft and bring them down safely.

Whether you’re an aviation aficionado, an aspiring pilot, or just plain curious about the orchestration happening above you, strap in. We’re taking off on an exploration into some vital components responsible for air travel as we know it – wing flaps. Discovering their designs and purposes not only sheds light on how airplanes defy gravity but also allows us to appreciate even more the marvels of human ingenuity in our skies.

Let’s embark together on this fascinating journey through airflow and innovation where we’ll unlock the secrets behind these unsung heroes: wing flaps. They may indeed hold part of the magic – or rather science – that enables a giant metallic structure to rise gracefully into the sky.

4 Common Types of Wing Flaps (And How They Affect Flight)

Aircraft wing flaps are pivotal elements allowing pilots to manipulate lift and drag permitting safe takeoffs, steady flights, and smooth landings. Each flap type boasts unique characteristics tailored to serve specific aerodynamic needs. Here’s an enlightening peek at four common varieties:

  1. Plain or Conventional Flaps act by increasing the curvature or camber of the wing, boosting its lift at lower speeds which is indispensable during takeoff and landing.
  2. Split Flaps descend from below the wing with simplicity on their side, creating high drag with moderate lift increase primarily beneficial during descent.
  3. Slotted Flaps, with their clever hinge design enabling a slot formation when extended allowing smoother airflow over themselves—it’s all about producing considerable lift without excessive drag.
  4. Fowler Flaps, being highly engineered sliding mechanisms bringing out additional surface area as well as camber modification; they allow significant lift enhancement while carefully managing drag—a delicate balance crucial at different stages of flight.

Each flap type modifies airflows around wings differently—yet harmoniously—to support aircraft during various flying stages efficiently accommodating operational necessities under fluctuating airborne conditions.

Soaring across skies thrillingly relies on manipulating subtle angles and surfaces in concert with physical forces! Each flap choice embodies an exquisite piece within this grand aerial symphony resonant from tarmac ascensions to cloud-dancing maneuvers right up until every gentle touchdown back upon earth soils.

By dissecting these staple flap forms’ mechanics further deepens our grasp on how these cleverly crafted implements ensure towering feats remain securely tethered within realms of reliability each time wheels leave ground trailing save passage through air streams above.

1. Plain or Conventional Flaps

Plain, also known as conventional flaps, represent the most basic type of flaps employed on aircraft wings. Their design is straightforward – imagine a hinged portion at the back end of the wing which can be extended downward into the airstream during flight.

When these flaps are deployed, they increase both the surface area and camber of the wing. Camber refers to the curvature of an airfoil from its leading edge to its trailing edge, influencing its lifting properties.

Understanding How They Function

Plain flaps work by changing the wing’s geometry:

  • When extended, they create a larger wing surface area, thereby generating more lift.
  • This extension leads to a higher angle of attack — or in simple terms, it tilts the wing up in relation to oncoming wind flow.
  • An increased camber results as well, enhancing lift further primarily because there’s more curvature for airflow interaction.

This is particularly helpful during takeoff and landing scenarios where slow speeds require additional lift to keep the aircraft safely buoyant. However, deploying these flaps isn’t free from consequences; it also results in increased drag which pilots need to manage carefully.

In essence, plain flaps are akin to opening an umbrella against the wind; you catch more air and thus can lift easier but do have to contend with resistance pushing you back. It’s all about striking that delicate balance between achieving enough uplift for manoeuvres without sacrificing too much speed due to drag.

2. Split Flaps

Split flaps are a distinctive component seen on many aircraft, and they play a crucial role in the aerodynamics of flight. What sets split flaps apart from their wing flap counterparts is their unique design structure, which allows for significant changes to the plane’s lift and drag characteristics.

Design and Operation

The design of the split flap is both simple and ingenious. Mounted on the bottom edge of the airplane’s wing, this type of flap hinges downwards to create an opening between itself and the rest of the wing. When deployed, it increases the surface area subjected to airflow on the underside of the wing while simultaneously disturbing air over the top; this results in increased lift.

While more efficient styles have come into use, you can still spot split flaps on vintage or smaller aircraft due to their relatively straightforward manufacturing process compared to more complex types like slotted or Fowler flaps. A split flap airplane typically showcases these under its wings as robust panels that visibly hinge away when activated—easy to recognize even for aviation novices.

Advantages in Flight Profiles

Split flaps profoundly alter an aircraft’s performance during critical phases like takeoff and landing:

  • Takeoff: As speed builds up along the runway, deploying split flaps helps generate lift sooner, allowing for shorter takeoff runs—an advantage on shorter airstrips or when a quick ascent is needed.
  • Landing: On approach for landing, greater lift at low speeds keeps an airplane stable and controllable as it descends toward the runway.

However, since activating split flaps enlarges a segment of a plane’s profile exposed to air currents underneath, there’s also additional drag—which isn’t necessarily a bad thing when slowing down is precisely what you want during landing procedures.

Balancing Performance Trade-offs

Despite their benefits, split flaps do introduce some penalties too. The extra drag produced when they are extended makes them less desirable than other types of flaps for continuous deployment during cruising flight—a balanced action must be taken by pilots using this mechanism.

An experienced split flap aircraft pilot knows how much to rely on these devices considering different weights carried onboard or varied weather conditions. They adjust flap deployment carefully so that each flight phase benefits from optimal control response without sacrificing too much speed or fuel efficiency.

In summing up this section about split flaps, think of them as one piece in a grand airborne puzzle—their purpose is not merely lifting but manipulating airflow patterns around wings at decisive moments. This grants airplanes elevated realms of maneuverability where precision counts most: near terra firma during spirited dances with gravity just after departure and prior touch-down.

3. Slotted Flaps

When we turn our attention to slotted flaps, it’s like opening a new chapter in the playbook of aerodynamics. This ingenious adaptation is fundamental for improved lift during crucial phases of flight such as takeoff and landing.

Slotted flaps have a unique design that sets them apart from other types. When extended, they create a narrow slot between the flap and the wing. This passageway is not merely a gap but plays an essential role in airflow management.

Let’s delve into how these marvels work:

  • Aerodynamic Magic: As the flap lowers, air slips through the slot and speeds up, reducing turbulence behind the wing by re-energizing the boundary layer – essentially a curtain of air close to the surface of the wing.
  • Increased Lift: This controlled rush of air interacts with slower-moving air on top, delaying airflow separation. The result? An uptick in lift that can be as much as 50 percent greater than with plain flaps!
  • Single Slotted Flaps Advantage: Among their siblings in the flap family, single slotted flaps strike an admirable balance between complexity and effectiveness. They’re easier to manufacture than more intricate double-slotted or triple-slotted versions yet still provide ample lift and drag necessary for short-field takeoffs and cushy landings.

Understanding single slotted flaps unlocks why they’re favored by many aircraft designs; they offer improved performance without overcomplicating mechanisms or maintenance demands – quintessential features when flying high demands flawless function paired with simplicity.

4. Fowler Flaps

Fowler flaps are truly a marvel when it comes to the ingenious design and functionality provided in aircraft control surfaces. This type of flap is distinct; not only does it hinge down, but it also slides backward along tracks or rollers. As someone fascinated by aviation innovation, I find the engineering behind these components absolutely captivating.

So, let’s look closer at how fowler flaps work and why they’re so beneficial:

  1. Increased Lift: When I say Fowler flaps increase lift, trust me – they really do! By extending away from the wing, they expand the wing area which creates additional lift. It’s this ability that makes them an irreplaceable feature during slow speeds like approach and takeoff.
  2. Drag Management: Although adding a component outward could add drag, the genius here is in their gradual deployment ability letting pilots control just how much extra surface area they need – maximizing lift while keeping drag within limits.
  3. Enhanced Control: Aided by incrementally adjustable settings, pilots can fine-tune their flight approach with precision – giving airflow more input areas over the wings for maintained controllability even at lower airspeeds.

Fowler flaps play a crucial role especially during those critical phases of flight where dependable aerodynamic performance is most required – something any pilot would greatly appreciate. These features make Fowler flaps an essential type of flap for larger aircraft that require optimal performance across varying airspeeds during complex maneuvers commonly experienced in today’s bustling skies.

What Is a Wing Flap?

If you’ve ever sat by the window seat on an airplane, chances are you’ve noticed panels on the wings that extend and retract at various points during the flight. These components are called wing flaps, and they are pivotal to an aircraft’s performance.

A wing flap is essentially a high-lift device used to increase the lift of an aircraft wing at a given airspeed. Think of them like the adjustable parts of a bird’s wing, allowing for more controlled flying maneuvers. They come into play primarily during takeoff and landing—critical phases of flight where control and lower speed are paramount.

During takeoff, flaps are extended to generate additional lift, thereby requiring shorter runway lengths. In contrast, during landing, extending the flaps increases the drag force acting on the aircraft which helps in reducing speed while also creating greater lift at slower speeds. This dual role makes them indispensable for safe and efficient flying.

Flaps aren’t just uniform sheets bending downwards; they’re meticulously designed varying shapes catering to different aerodynamic needs. The design differences affect how air flows over and under the wing surface, ultimately influencing an aircraft’s performance. Later in this article, we’ll delve deeper into the different types of flaps and how each uniquely affects an airplane’s flight capabilities.

So when pondering what is flap in aircraft next time you fly, appreciate these critical components as they work subtly yet significantly behind the scenes or rather beneath the wings, balancing lift forces and giving pilots better control over their aerial steeds.

How do Different Styles of Wings Affect Flight?

When it comes to aircraft, wings are not created equal. The shape, size, and style of a wing can drastically alter how an airplane flies. Each design has its unique advantages that engineers consider when constructing an aircraft to meet specific requirements.

Importance of Wing Design

The design of a wing is pivotal in determining the plane’s lift characteristics, fuel efficiency, speed, and ability to take off or land on short runways. For instance:

  • Straight Wings: These wings extend perpendicularly from the fuselage and are prevalent on slow-flying planes. They provide excellent control at low speeds which is perfect for learners and small aircraft.
  • Swept-back Wings: Most commonly seen on commercial jet airliners, these wings tilt backward to reduce drag at high speeds making them ideal for long-haul flights.
  • Delta Wings: Often found on supersonic jets, their triangular shape distributes weight more evenly across the wing’s surface providing stability at various speeds.

Adaptability of Wing Flaps

In addition to the overall wing structure, the inclusion and style of wing flaps play a crucial role in flight performance. Flaps allow wings to adapt their shape according to flight conditions by altering lift generation and drag characteristics. Here’s what different flap designs bring to the table:

  • Increased Lift: Extending flaps increase the curvature of the wing, enabling the plane to generate more lift at lower speeds which is essential during takeoff and landing.
  • Controlled Descent: By generating more drag while maintaining lift, pilots can steepen descent angles without increasing airspeed—a prime concern when landing.

By understanding how different wing styles and flaps work together, pilots can maximize an aircraft’s performance under varying conditions — whether it’s cruising above oceans or maneuvering through tight airspace corridors. This synergy between aerodynamics and aviation technology ensures that every journey we undertake in the skies is as safe and efficient as possible.

Which Type of Wing Flaps Are Most Effective?

The conversation regarding the effectiveness of wing flaps often turns to a blend of aerospace expertise and practical flight dynamics. To get straight to the point, no single type of flap is universally “most effective,” as the efficiency largely depends on the specific requirements of the aircraft and its operational regime.

  • Plain or Conventional Flaps: Create extra lift at low speeds, meaning they’re pretty effective for smaller airplanes that don’t operate at high altitudes or speeds.
  • Split Flaps offer more drag with minimal added lift. These are less common today but served well during their time, particularly in early combat aircraft where abrupt speed reduction was advantageous.

In the context of commercial airliners, slotted and Fowler flaps have carved out distinct reputations for effectiveness:

  • Slotted Flaps work wonders in increasing lift without creating too much additional drag. This efficiency makes them a favored option for planes that require a short takeoff or landing distance but also need to sustain economical cruise speeds.
  • Fowler Flaps are known for their ability to significantly increase both lift and wing area, providing optimal conditions during critical phases like takeoff and landing. Moreover, thanks to their multi-segment deployment capability, they offer fine-tuned control over flight performance.

When considering military jets or agile aircraft requiring rapid maneuverability combined with stout low-speed handling characteristics, other specialized flap types might be considered “most effective.” Such planes might utilize a combination of different flap technologies tailored to suit their unique performance envelope.

Determining which type reigns supreme in terms of efficacy involves examining an aircraft’s mission profile – from cargo carriers needing short runway lengths to supersonic fighters designed for exacting agility. Therefore, it’s vital to understand that airframe design intentions drive flap innovation toward highly suited solutions rather than pursuing a one-size-fits-all approach.

Slotted Fowler Flaps

By adding slots to Fowler flaps, this design enhances what is already considered highly effective. When extended into positions where high angles could disrupt airflow causing separation and turbulence – which are undesirable – these slots direct high-energy air from under the wing up over it. This stream sustains smoother flow even at steep angles conducive for short take-offs and tight landings.

This clever configuration demonstrates why slotted Fowler Flaps are commonly found gracing long-haul airliners’ wings; they marry amplified lifting prowess with mitigated drag effects in a harmonious balance ideal for such substantial crafts.

As we ponder all influences – aerodynamic principles, specific aircraft roles, environmental considerations – it becomes evident there isn’t one unequivocally “best” design. However, for sheer adaptability across diverse aviation demands, Fowler and Slotted Fowler Flaps do emerge as notably efficacious contenders amidst a broad array of applications thanks to their advanced properties enhancing essential flight characteristics safely and reliably.

What are the flaps on the wings of an aircraft?

When you watch an aircraft prepping for takeoff, or begin its graceful descent towards a runway, you might notice panels at the back edge of the wings extending outward or downwards. Those panels are called flaps—specifically, aeroplane wing flaps—and they play a crucial role in controlling the plane’s lift and drag properties.

Flaps of aircraft are hinged surfaces set along the trailing edge—the rear section—of airplane wings. They’re designed ingeniously to enhance the wing area and change the shape of the airfoil during critical phases of flight: takeoff and landing. By doing so, these versatile components allow planes to maintain lift at lower speeds, making it safe to ascend from shorter runways or glide more slowly onto them when arriving.

While each type has a distinct mechanism and effect on airflow, all flaps serve a similar function in providing pilots with greater control over the aircraft’s performance under varying conditions. So whenever you see those panels adjust their position as an airplane prepares for takeoff or approaches landing, know that it’s more than mechanical choreography; it’s engineering brilliance at work ensuring your safety and comfort as you journey through the skies.

What is the Purpose of a Flap on an Airplane Wing?

When you’re hustling through the airport, eagerly awaiting to board your flight, there’s a chance you might catch sight of flaps adjusting on the airplane’s wings as it prepares for takeoff. These seemingly small components, known as wing flaps, play a pivotal role in an airplane’s performance throughout different phases of flight.

Flap on an airplane—yes, this technical term points to one of aviation’s critical control surfaces. Typically mounted on the trailing edge of each wing, flaps are engineered with precision to manage the lift and drag forces acting upon an aircraft. Here’s how they make flying safer and more efficient:

  • Lift Enhancement: The primary function of a flap on a plane is to increase the wing’s curvature or camber. This change makes for extra lift force which is essential during takeoffs and landings when airplanes operate at slower speeds.
  • Drag Generation: Flaps also help pilots in controlling speed by generating additional drag. This feature assists notably during landing because it allows planes to descend at steeper angles without gaining unwanted speed.
  • Flight Versatility: By extending or retracting flaps, pilots can alter the aircraft’s wing surface area and shape. This adaptability offers versatility—a shorter runway can be used due to lower needed takeoff speeds, or less distance required for landing.

So next time as you sit window-side observing those mechanical marvels unfold beneath you, grasp that these adjustments aren’t just routine; they’re intricate movements designed carefully for your journey’s safety and comfort. Their manipulation ensures that regardless of whether your feet are set firmly on the ground or high up amidst clouds, every stage from takeoff ascendancy to touchdown finality transpires impeccably well-calibrated—all thanks to the humble but mighty flap on an airplane wing.

How do Aircraft Flaps Affect Takeoff and Landing?

When you observe an aircraft preparing for takeoff or approaching to land, one of the critical changes you’ll note involves the positioning of its wing flaps. The debate about ‘flaps up vs flaps down’ is central in understanding how these devices impact an airplane’s performance during two of the most crucial phases of flight—takeoff and landing.

Flaps are hinged surfaces on the wing that a pilot can adjust to change the shape of the wings. They are essential because they alter airflow over the wing, thereby affecting lift and drag properties. But what happens with ‘flaps up vs flaps down’? Let’s explore this by breaking it down into takeoff and landing scenarios:

During Takeoff:

  • Flaps Down:
  1. Pilots extend the flaps (flaps down) to increase the surface area of the wing.
  2. This extension results in more lift at lower speeds, which is vital for takeoff.
  3. As a consequence, airplanes require less runway distance to become airborne.

Hence, having flaps down during takeoff allows a plane to rise into the air quicker than if they were retracted. It also means saving precious runway length—a must for shorter airstrips.

During Landing:

  • Flabs Up:
  • After reaching cruising altitude, pilots retract flaps (flabs up) for optimal aerodynamic efficiency while flying level at high speeds.
  • Flabs Down:
  1. As an airplane descends towards an airport, pilots deploy flaps again (flabs down).
  2. More lift is generated at reduced speed without gaining altitude—vital as planes slow down on approach.
  3. Drag increases significantly too; this helps deceleration and enables safer and shorter landings.

Deploying flaps when landing serves as both a brake to reduce speed and as a wing shape moderator that permits smoother touchdowns even at slower velocities—a necessary state when approaching the ground.

To phrase it simply, using ‘flap up vs flap down’ appropriately ensures safety and efficiency in flight operations. Not just as discrete settings but also through incremental adjustments that pilots make based on precise needs dictated by weight, weather conditions, runway length, and other factors encountered during takeoff or approach phases.

By managing lift and controlling descent patterns effectively with flap deployment strategies according to each phase’s demands, pilots execute a symphony of maneuvers which skillfully brings passengers from sky-high to touchdown safely time after time.

How does an aircraft’s flap system work?

The flaps on a plane play a pivotal role in managing the lift and drag during critical phases of flight, particularly takeoff and landing. When it comes to understanding how these marvels of aviation engineering operate, picture this: flaps serve as adjustable extensions of the wing. They are designed to reshape the wing when extended or retracted, optimizing it for various flying conditions.

During takeoff, pilots will deploy flaps to increase both lift and drag, allowing the aircraft to rise into the air at lower speeds than what would otherwise be needed if the wings were in their usual shape. This is especially crucial for operating on shorter runways where distance is at a premium. Once airborne and cruising aloft, retracted flaps streamline the wing’s shape, reducing drag which permits more speed and better fuel efficiency.

In preparation for landing, extending the flap on aeroplane wings once again increases surface area and curvature of the wing. This boosts lift at slower speeds and hikes up drag — effectively permitting pilots to fly at lower speeds without losing altitude precipitously or stalling. Lower approach speeds provided by proper flap usage makes landings gentler and gives pilots better control over touch-down precision.

Put succinctly, aircraft flaps transform from sleek aerodynamic surfaces optimized for high-speed travel to large, cambered structures that gift greater lift at lower velocities. It’s through this brilliant variable geometry that planes can adapt seamlessly between soaring above clouds and returning gracefully onto terra firma.

What is the main role of the plane’s flaps?

When you gaze out an airplane window during takeoff or landing, you might notice panels on the wings moving distinctively. Those are the wing flaps, and they play a crucial role in flight dynamics. But what are flaps on an airplane specifically there for? In essence, these sophisticated components significantly enhance an aircraft’s performance by manipulating airflow over the wings.

The primary function of flaps is to increase both lift and drag on command. During takeoff, pilots deploy them slightly to provide additional lift at lower speeds. This means the airplane can become airborne without needing as much runway distance – quite handy, especially for shorter airstrips.

As for landing scenarios, flaps are even more critical. They’re extended further to create a greater drag which helps to slow down the plane along with providing increased lift at reduced speeds. This added lift allows for steeper descent angles without accelerating airspeed—think of it as having better control when you want your feet back on terra firma safely.

Ultimately, flaps give pilots another tool in their toolkit to adapt the aircraft’s aerodynamics according to need – increasing controllability during critical phases such as takeoff and landing (not forgetting some specific maneuvers in flight). So next time someone asks “What is the purpose of a flap on an airplane wing?” you can tell them: It’s about adaptability – enhancing aircraft performance where and when it counts most.}


Aircraft Design for Stunt Planes

Stunt planes are designed differently from regular planes to perform maneuvers. The aircraft design for stunt planes involves making compromises to achieve different aerobatic maneuvers

One primary reason behind the unique design of aerobatic planes is that they will be inverted during an airshow performance. Regular planes are created to fly right up, and inverting a plane will affect the forces of flight, making stunt aircraft design of utmost importance. 

The Four Forces of Aircraft Design Flight 

Four forces act upon a plane: lift, drag, weight, and thrust. These forces keep a plane flying on a straight and level flight when balanced. However, to perform maneuvers, the plane has to be designed differently.  

Of the four forces, drag and weight are the natural forces that act upon an object. But lift and thrust are necessary for aerobatic flight. Because of the rolls, loops, and breaks that encompass aerobatic flying, lift and thrust in stunt planes work differently than in regular planes. Compromises have to be made to realize these forces. 


Weight or gravity is the downward force that pulls down an object. The weight is a result of the object’s mass, and for a plane, it is distributed around and includes the cargo, fuel, luggage, and people. The total weight of an aircraft will vary during flight because of the change in the amount of fuel consumed. Stunt planes need light to perform maneuvers; usually, a stunt pilot doesn’t carry any load.


Lift is the upward force acting upon a plane, and most of this force is created by the wings. It keeps an airplane in the air and prevents it from falling. A plane needs a lift to overcome weight. There are different explanations for how lift occurs, but the prominent ones are Newton’s third law of action and reaction and the Bernoulli theorem. 

Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli’s law, says that the pressure of a fluid decreases as its velocity increases. A conventional wing is curved at the upper surface of the airfoil and flat on the lower surface, and because of the curvature, the air traveling above is faster than the air traveling below the wing. This means there is lower pressure above and this generates lift. 

On the other hand, Newton’s third law states that there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action. This law will explain that the wing’s downward push results in a push upward, generating lift. 


Drag is the backward force that slows down a plane. It is also called air resistance. The air resists objects the same way water resists when you try walking or swimming through it. Friction and differences in air pressure can cause drag. 


Thrust is the forward force acting upon a plane. It is created by the propeller in an airplane and is opposed by drag.

The Importance of Proper Aircraft Design

Airfoil for Lift

The shape of the stunt plane wing is essential in performing stunts because aerobatic planes sometimes fly inverted. The standard aircraft wing design (cambered wings), which has a curved upper surface and a flat lower surface, will not work best for an inverted plane. 

Both sides of the wings are curved to generate lift in a stunt plane. This type of wing design is referred to as a symmetrical design. The symmetric or uncambered design of the stunt plane airfoil permits it to fly in both the regular and inverted position. 

Propellers for Speed

An aircraft propeller is an aerodynamic device that converts rotary energy into a propulsive force to move a plane forward. The propulsive force creates thrust. 

Aerobatic planes are designed with a fixed-pitch propeller or constant-speed propeller. The pitch is the angle at which the blade cuts through the air. The fixed-pitch propeller is light and straightforward, but it is limited because its angle of attack cannot be changed during flight. The first planes were designed with this propeller type. 

A constant-speed propeller is designed to change its blade pitch automatically to maintain constant RPM (revolutions per minute) under varying altitudes. A propeller governor controls it, so the pilot doesn’t have to take any action. However, the pilot can control power using the throttle. 

More recently, aerobatic aircraft have been designed using constant-speed propellers instead of fixed-pitch propellers because it gives maximum output. 

Inverted Fuel and Oil System

Another aircraft design that makes stunt possible is the inverted fuel and oil system. Gravity will pull the weighted end of the hose to the top of the tank, cutting off the fuel supply. If the fuel in a plane is cut off, it can no longer fly, which will be the case if regular planes try performing inverted maneuvers. 

To counter the effect of gravity, stunt planes are designed with inverted fuel and oil systems that use fuel injection instead of a carburetor. To ensure the free flow of fuel, aerobatic planes with fuel tanks in the fuselage have flexible hoses called flop tubes with a weight on the free end plugged into the tank. 

But when the fuel tanks are in the wings, they have small header tanks that feed the fuel to the engine, whether the plane is inverted or not. Similarly, an oil pickup line is fixed near the top of the engine and in the oil, sump to ensure that oil is available in any attitude.

Other Factors in Aircraft Design

Spades for Aileron rolls

Aerobatic planes are also designed with aileron spades to help in performing aileron rolls, an aerobatic maneuver. The aileron roll is achieved when the stunt plane performs a full 360 degrees turn along its longitudinal axis.  

The aileron spade has a shovel-like shape and is mounted on the arms of the aileron. It provides the aerodynamic balance needed for the aircraft to roll. The purpose of aileron spades is to increase the roll rate by deflecting a lot of air without significantly disrupting the airflow over the wing. 

The spade is shaped and sized to ensure maximum effect. For example, larger ailerons are more easily susceptible to flutter at high speeds, so counterweights and counter surfaces are designed to prevent this. 

The Bottom Line of Aircraft Design

Although the history of aerobatics can be traced as far back as September 1913, aerobatic flying has seen various transformations and the need to design stunt planes to enable unusual maneuvers specifically. 

Due to the peculiarities of aerobatics, stunt planes are designed for precision, and speed, to enable the four forces of flight and to meet other needs of aerodynamics. 


The Genius Design of Airplane Wings

The Genius Design of Airplane Wings

Airplane wings are obviously a necessity for flight, but what type of wings are common, and how has the design shifted throughout the  years? 

Had the Wright Brothers still been around today, they undoubtedly would have been amazed by the huge number of different airplane wings flying around! Short, long, pointy, stubby, and some downright weird, there is plenty to see! Today we will talk about the genius design of airplane wings, tell you a little bit about how they work, and show you some different designs that you might see at air shows.


How Do Airplane Wings Actually Work?

There’s quite a lot of clever design and science behind aircraft wings.

Without getting too technical, all airplane wings work by causing air passing above and below the wing to travel at different speeds.

When air is made to travel at different speeds, it creates differences in pressure on the wing’s upper and lower sides. This differential goes by an alternative name that is crucial to flight.

It’s called lift.

The amount of lift generated and where on the wing it is produced depends entirely on the shape of the wing. Different airplane wings create different lift profiles, which can give specific benefits suited to each type of aircraft.


The Genius Design of Airplane Wings: 9 Types of Wings You Might See

1. Straight Rectangular Wings

Straight airplane wings are the simplest type for manufacturers to construct. They also produce lift equally along the entire wing surface.

The wings are great as they don’t stall easily, making them ideal for training aircraft such as the Cessna 150.

You’ll also see straight wings on biplanes and stunt aircraft.

2. Tapered Wings

Tapered wings are considered an upgraded version of the straight wing. They make an airplane more maneuverable and allow it to fly faster as less drag is produced.

Why is maneuverability a good thing?

In early fighters, such as the P-51 Mustang, this was a great advantage in combat!

3. Elliptical Wings

You don’t see that many elliptical wings around.


Because, while they are some of the most efficient wings out there, they are very complex to engineer and produce on a mass scale.

Perhaps the most iconic elliptical wing you’ll see is on the Supermarine Spitfire, the British Royal Airforce’s iconic World War 2 fighter. The wing shape allows the aircraft to be highly maneuverable, with less drag.

If you haven’t seen a Spitfire before, there are still a few around. You can view one up close as a static display at the Wings Over Camarillo Airshow.

4. Delta Wings

The bigger the surface area, the greater the lift produced. Just what you need for things like heavy bombers. A delta wing also allows aircraft to perform well at both low and high speeds.

You might not be aware, but aircraft nearly always store their fuel in the wing. More surface area, more fuel.

You can see great examples of how this has been put to practical use in aircraft such as the Vulcan Bomber.

5. Trapezoidal Wings

Want all the benefits of a delta wing, but with even more surface area? Why not combine two delta wings and place them back to back?

Trapezoidal wings taper at the front and trailing edge. You’ll see them used in many modern fighter aircraft.

Such as?

The US Air Forces very own F22A Raptor!

The best bit?

90 Degree angles reflect radar. Combat aircraft manufacturers can make them less visible to enemy radar by creating an aircraft with trapezoidal wings!

6. Foldable Wings

Ever wished you had more space?

Try living on an aircraft carrier!

Wings do tend to take up a lot of room, so clever designers came up with a way to make aircraft easier to store.

Which aircraft?

The Grumman Hellcat and Vought Corsair! These were both iconic World War Two Fighter aircraft that were highly maneuverable yet easy to store!

7. Swept Back Wings

You’ll most certainly have seen examples of swept-back wings flying overhead at some point.

Practically all commercial jet airliners use them!

When aircraft fly at altitude and at high speeds, these wings maximize lift and minimize drag. They aren’t the best at slower speeds, however.

Aside from commercial airliners, you can see wings that are both straight and swept back on much smaller aircraft. Pitts Specials are aerobatic aircraft that go really fast to take maximum advantage.

Here’s one in action!

8. Forward-Swept Wings

A wing, backward?

You bet!

These aircraft are super rare and tend only to be used in military applications. They have fallen out of favor as, while they allow for superb maneuverability, the wings create control issues for aircraft designers (and pilots).

You can see examples of this wing on airplanes, such as the Soviet Sukhoi SU-47.

9. Rotary Wings?

Have you ever seen an aircraft with a wing that rotates?

We are sure you have!

One word. Helicopters.

Helicopters actually generate lift using a rotary-wing. Each of a helicopter’s blades is actually a long thin wing! By changing the pitch of each blade at a certain point, the helicopter can be made to fly forwards, backward, and even hover in place!

Rotary winged aircraft are some of the most dynamic in the world! And because there are multiple wings producing lots of lift, they can carry really heavy weights.

Want to see this principle in action?

The wings over Camarillo air show features a live water drop from the Ventura Sherriff Sikorsky HH-60!


Final Thought

You’ll be able to see the vast majority of the above wing types at the Wings Over Camarillo Air Show. Whether you want to see the folded wings of the Hellcat, the elliptical wing of the spitfire, or some straight wings cutting and tumbling through the air, there will be something for everyone.

Many of our aircraft are available to view up close and personal on the ground, as well as in the air. As a result, you can get a detailed view of the genius design of airplane wings. Why not check to see our schedule and when our next air show event is planned.


The Altimeter and Its Important Role in Air Shows

The Altimeter and Its Important Role in Air Shows

As far as aircraft instruments go, the altimeter is probably one of the most important. Especially during airshows!

When traveling at speed (and sometimes inverted), the pilot needs to know how far from the ground he is… At ALL times! Today, we will look at how an altimeter works, things that may affect it, and why it is vital.


What is an Altimeter?

In the simplest terms, an altimeter is an instrument with a reading in the cockpit that tells the pilot how high the aircraft is above a given level.

Did you notice something?

We didn’t say ‘above the ground’ as this is not always true. The ‘level’ that we use to measure altitude or height varies. The name for this level is a ‘datum’.

The datum can be set to read zero at ground level, for sure… But if you live near hills or mountains, you’ll already know that ‘ground level’ is not always a constant.

Suppose an airplane flies a long distance over various terrain. In that case, it is often better to set the altimeter to a different, more consistent datum…

In this case, aviators will often use an altitude above Sea level and work out their terrain clearance based on charts and maps that tell them how high the terrain is above sea level.

For more local work, airplanes’ height should be referenced to the field over which it will be flying.


How do Altimeters Work?

Here’s an interesting fact.

While you may think an altimeter measures height, it, in fact, measures air pressure!

An altimeter is actually a calibrated barometer. As an airplane climbs, the air becomes less dense. If we know the air density at ground level and know that it gets less dense as we climb, we can measure the difference and work out how high we are.

This is exactly what an altimeter does and displays this number as a height normally given in feet.

The altimeter contains a tiny device that looks a little like a squeezebox. This is sealed and filled with air. If the air outside is less dense, this box expands. As the air density increases in a descent, this box contracts. With a few intricate cogs and gears, the amount of expansion and contraction can be measured, displaying a given altitude.

If you are interested in the science behind it, check this article out, there’s a really great diagram!

If that is a little heavy going, here’s a really simple animation that shows how it works


Altimeter Sensors | Explained

The main sensor used by the altimeter is called the ‘Pitot Static System’. This is a series of inlets fitted on the aircraft to allow the outside air to flow into the various cockpit instruments.

If you look at an airplane, you’ll see a few ports and sensors on the fuselage. The pitot tubes (which are more to do with airspeed) are little forward-facing tubes, normally located on the underside.

The static system is normally found on the sides of airplanes. It looks like a small metal square with tiny holes arranged in the center. These allow air to flow into the altimeter


How Accurate are Altimeters?

Altimeters are pretty accurate. Normally to within around 10 feet!

Most have three needles that indicate different numbers. Depending on their size, they equal thousands of feet, hundreds of feet, or tens of feet!

For this reading to be accurate, the altimeter must be calibrated to give a height reading above a certain datum. If we don’t tell it what to count as ‘zero’, we don’t have a baseline to measure against.

If you ever watch an airshow and get to listen to a VHF radio, you’ll hear the pilots and air traffic controllers use terms such as ‘QNH’ and ‘QFE’. These are both altimeter settings to ensure that an airplane’s altimeter is correctly calibrated.

What’s the difference between QNH and QNE?

It’s simple: –

  • QNH is used to give an altitude reading above sea level
  • QFE is used to give a height above the airfield


Things that Might Affect an Altimeter

Like all tools, when used properly, the altimeter is great. But numerous things can affect its accuracy: –

Temperature. When manufactured, altimeters are calibrated to work most effectively at 15°C (50°F).


The air pressure changes when climbing and descending can vary from day to day depending on the air temperature. On really cold days, the airplane’s actual height and what the altimeter reads can be quite different, likewise with very warm days.

Incorrect Setting

As we said, an altimeter must be calibrated on the surface to give a true reading. This is a vital part of a pilot’s checklist. Getting it wrong could lead to the altimeter giving incorrect information.

It even happens to the big jets! Listen to this!

Altimeter Faults

Like all mechanical equipment, altimeters can develop faults. The needles can stick. This is often called ‘stiction’. To get around this, manufacturers fit a device that gently vibrates the altimeter to stop it from sticking.

Also, blockages in the system can prevent air from reaching the altimeter. To guard against this, it is part of a pilot’s pre-flight checks to inspect the static ports.


Aerobatic aircraft are subject to forces that don’t affect ‘normal’ aircraft.


They can tumble and end up flying sideways!

Here’s a Pitt’s special doing a ‘Lomcevak.’

Pretty cool!

This forces air into the static ports causing a sudden increase in the air pressure inside the altimeter! This will cause the altimeter to give a momentary false reading.


Why is an Altimeter Important for Airshows?

To guard against any of the above becoming an issue, airshow pilots don’t perform any maneuver unless they are a certain height above the ground.

They are also well-practiced in flying maneuvers visually, relying on what they can see ‘out of the window’ as much as the instruments!

You’ll sometimes hear this referred to as the aerobatic box. It’s particularly relevant at air shows as it keeps both the pilots and those watching on the ground safe. Pilots check their altitude and are given the latest altimeter calibration setting before they begin any aerobatics.

If you want to see a real-life ‘Lomcevak’ or high-performance airplanes being put through their paces (along with their altimeters), why not check to see if there is an airshow taking place soon?


Airspeed Indicator: Why Is It Important for Airshows?

Airspeed Indicator: Why Is It Important for Airshows?

The airspeed indicator is important in a number of ways. In a typical flight on an unmodified airplane, it helps pilots understand vital data about the flight. They are crucial to safety. In an “ordinary,” non-airshow flight or performance, airspeed indicators help pilots judge and safely execute banks and turns, as well as maintain level flight. Airspeed indicators allow the pilots to do so without looking outside the cockpit or windows. In this way, airspeed indicators are important for instrument flight, or IFR (instrument flight rules.) Under instrument flight rules, pilots are permitted to fly under less than desirable meteorological conditions.

In an airshow, the airspeed indicator helps the pilot undertake impressive tricks, maneuvers, and dives. Not knowing this information is dangerous for the pilot. He or she must distinguish the speed of the aircraft relative to several different factors, and, especially when flying slowly, must take care to avoid stalling.

What Is Indicated Airspeed?

Indicated airspeed is the speed of the aircraft as measured by its relationship to the air around it. It is usually expressed in knots, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom. Knots are equivalent to one nautical mile per hour, or 1.852 kilometer per hour, otherwise measured as 1.15 miles per hour. In other parts of the world, airspeed is expressed in straight kilometers per hour. Knots are abbreviated as “kn.” The use of them is prevalent in aviation, as they are promoted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO.) Use of the word “knot” dates back to a nautical term. This is from knots in a rope were used to measure how quickly a boat was moving through the water.

Another way to define indicated airspeed to think of it as the pressure of the air “pushing” against the skin and flight surfaces of the airplane. When the airplane is at sea level, the atmospheric pressure is 1013.2 millibars. Millibars are a metric system measurement of air pressure. The higher the airplane climbs in the atmosphere, the lower the air density becomes. This information is valuable to the pilot, in addition to his or her true air speed, or how quickly the airplane is moving at indicated airspeed corrected for non-standard temperature and pressure.

On long journeys, this information is necessary so that the pilot knows how much fuel is necessary to complete the flight. In a short-flight air show context, knowing the indicated airspeed feeds information to the pilot about his or her position in the air. Accomplished aerobatic pilots can safely aviate even if the airspeed indicator is at zero.

How Does an Airspeed Indicator Work?

In order for the airspeed indicator to accurately reflect the dynamic pressure through which it is moving, it must also correctly measure “static air.” This is accomplished via a pitot tube and static ports, which are placed on various parts of the aircraft. They collect data about both dynamic as well as static pressure. Together, these are known as “ram air.” Ram air is monitored as it flows around the airplane.

When the airplane is sitting on the runway, its ram pressure is measured only as a static element. As soon as the aircraft begins to move, however, the instruments in the cockpit will begin to show dynamic and static pressure. The airspeed indicator reflects the difference between the static pressure measured by the ports on the fuselage, and the ram pressure collected from the pitot tube, which is located on the wing or nose.

Ram air fills the instrument, inflating a pressure diaphragm. Simple gears help to move the needle on older round-dial “steam gauge” instruments. In a glass cockpit, the same principle is at work; the result is simply reflected digitally rather than in an analogue gauge.

What Do the Colors Mean?

The airspeed indicator is a somewhat iconic member of what is known as the aviation “six pack.” These are the instruments which are most commonly used by pilots to maintain the aircraft safely, either in a typical flight or during an air show. They are:

  • Attitude Indicator
  • Altimeter
  • Airspeed Indicator
  • Turn Coordinator
  • Heading Indicator
  • Vertical Speed Indicator

The airspeed indicator is one of the most commonly identified instruments because of the bright colors on its dial. Since airspeed is so important, these colors are used to help the pilot identify various ranges:

  • White Arc: Flaps of the airplane should only be operated in this range
  • Green Arc: Normal operating speed
  • Yellow Arc: Caution range; aircraft should only reach these speeds in optimal weather conditions
  • Red Arc: Never exceed speed; damage to the aircraft may occur if it is operated in this zone

Obviously, pilots are keen to stay in the green range as much as possible, and enter the white zone only when they mean to.

Why Are Airspeed Indicators Important for Airshows?

Airshow and aerobatic pilots are forever working within the limits of the rules of physics. Depending on the maneuver the pilot is performing, they must not endanger their life, the lives of those on the ground, or the structural integrity of the aircraft. No matter how daring a stunt might look, the pilot is always operating as safely as possible. Knowing airspeed is a major aspect of this.

Although a professional aerobatic pilot might see the airspeed indicator at zero during certain parts of an act, it is only because he or she is performing a hovering maneuver in imitation of a helicopter, and expects to see this. Reading unusual airspeeds at another time means that something has gone drastically wrong, and the pilot must take corrective action.

While even non-aerobatic pilots rehearse stalling and other emergencies as a matter of course so that they know how to recover from one, the aerobatic pilot uses the stall and other “emergencies” as part of his or her routine. Knowing what the airspeed is, even if the wings of the airplane are no longer generating lift, will help the aerobatic pilot safely recover for the maneuver.

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